Kawan Super Powerrr Saya =)

Sunshine of my heart :')

Assalammualaikum :')

Saya tak malu mengatakan mereka lah nadi saya :*

The one you can trust your whole life :')

Hai. Hello. Assalammualaikum . Selamat Pagi :D Muehehehe So hari ni nak buat topik serius sikit . Sikit je . Topik yang boleh buat awak mengalir air mata darah macam maya karin dalam pontianak harum sundal malam tu >.< Ecehhhh , ecah over is so over . Lewls .

So , to begin with , last night i was having a very long conversation with my mum . She told me stories aboout her past . I mean totally past ! Mak bagitahu macam mana mak dapat tahu arwah nenek ada kanser and how mum face it . Lol Dari mak cerita , aku dapat tahu dari mana aku warisi sifat suka menangis aku -___________________________- Hhahah k annoying aisyah . Jgn nak sensitip sangat .

So , masa mak dapat tahu arwah nenek kena kanser, it was already stage 4 . To be exactly , there's nothing u can do about it . U just can wait and see her go . MasyaAllah . Semoga Allah letakkan arwah nenek di tempat yang terpuji :') So, masa mak dapat tahu arwah nenek ada kanser tu , mak tgh menyusu badan so she cant stay at the hospital . Waiting all night for nenek . Mak tgh menyusu aku pulak tuh >.< Eishh maluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Hehehehehe 

The day arwah nenek pass away was sunday . Tapi sayang , mak tak dapat tunggu arwah nenek malam tu . Mak balik rumah coz nak menyusukan aku >____________< So around 9 mak balik rumah sebab mak dr pagi dah jaga . Then , masa perjalanan balik tu , mak dapat phone call yang arwah nenek dah pegi . Subhanallah . Semoga roh arwah berada di tempat orang yang beriman :')

So , apa yang mak nak sampaikan ekceli semalam was , to care and to be good to her . Mum never regret . Mak tak rasa berat hati . Mak redha . Mak kata , mak dah lepaskan arwah dengan cara yang terbaik :')

And i wonder how will i accept it one day . Cause mati is absolutely . I dont know how will i face it . Will i be strong enough to face it ? SubhanAllah . I dont really think that i had that much of energy to face the death of my parents :/ I just hope i can give them what i really want to give them before they go or maybe before i go :( May Allah give the strength if this happen to any of us :( In Sha Allah

P:s: Respect shud be given to those who lost their parents in young age :) They are the strongest people . Semoga Allah meletakkan roh roh orang mukmin di tempat yang diberkati :') Amin .

Nota Kaki: Sekali sekala merenung and mengingati mati sangat menakutkan :(

Renungan bersama oleh ,

Nur Aisyah Binti Jamil >.< Xoxo

♥Terima Kasih Daun Keladi , Sudah Baca Tick Tick la♥

1 comment:

syazza hashim said...

Omg. Serious, this is so sad :'<
Al-fatihah for your arwah nenek.